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Sambal Goreng Buncis. Probably the most famous vegetable recipe in Indonesian cuisine: sambal goreng buncis. This is a dish made […]

Bening daun kelor+labu+tahu. Cuci daun kelor lalu siangi ambil bagian daun nya saja. #ResepSayurBeningdaunKelor #MasakDaunkelorjagungmanis#Moringa#ResepMasakdaunkelor#Daunkelorbanyakmanfaanya#Daunkelor#Daunkelorantika*Hallo Semuanya Semoga. SAYUR BENING KELOR […]

Capcay baso. Capcay Goreng Bakso totalReview Cap Cay, or Cap Cai, is a typical Chinese-Indonesian dish made of a medley […]