Salad minimalis. Taste and adjust flavor as needed, adding more maple syrup for sweetness, vinegar for tanginess / acidity, or […]

Sayur Asem. Sayur asem is one of the signature dishes of the Sundanese people. Many popular Indonesian dishes come from […]

Terong cabe ijo. Bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe merah, miri sangrai, trasi. Tumis sampai harum, tambahkan garam, gula merah, laos, […]

Salad so simple. What, to you, is the perfect simple salad? I'm not talking lunch salads or grain salads, but […]

Sup Kelor. Sup daun kelor + labu siam+ jagung. daun kelor. Tiriskan • Labu siam secukupnya potong kotak • Jagung […]

Buntil Daun Singkong. – Cassava leaf is notoriously bitter, but is definitely worth a try. We suggest you to […]