Ayam kriuk balut telur asin. #thesungkarsfamily #sungkarsfamily #shireenwisnu #kiairwan #mamahmasak #papamamahmasak #adamhawwa assalamulaikum gaes, udah lama nihh kita ngga bikin […]

Bagelen Roti Tawar. Lihat juga resep Bagelen Roti Tawar enak lainnya. Cara Membuat Roti Tawar Bagelen – Roti yang satu […]

Chicken popcorn. Popcorn chicken is a dish consisting of small, bite-sized pieces of chicken that have been breaded and fried. […]

Crustless Quiche. The crustless quiche is the easygoing answer to practically every breakfast problem I've ever seen. And I have […]

Opor Ayam Kuah Merah. Kelezatan opor ayam, terletak pada perpaduan bumbu, kuah kental dan kelembutan daging ayam. Selain itu, taburan […]